The Herbst appliance is a fixed appliance for correcting a backward position of the lower jaw. Cast splints in the upper and lower jaw are connected to each other by a feed mechanism. This telescopic mechanism positions the lower jaw forward, whereby both the teeth move into the desired position and the bone in the jaw joint is remodeled in such a way that the new bite position remains stable after about 8 months. At the same time, the upper front teeth are fitted with brackets and placed in the correct position. Therapy using the Herbst appliance is equally useful and possible for adolescents and young adults.

The palatal expansion device consists of a special screw that is connected by struts to a metal framework that is glued to the posterior teeth of the upper jaw.
Since the device is firmly cemented, the patient/parent has to adjust the screw in the mouth.
With this appliance, it is possible to significantly widen the upper jaw within a few weeks if the upper dental arch is too narrow. This works all the better the younger the patient is, since the bones in the middle of the palate have not yet grown together. This appliance is therefore used primarily in the early mixed dentition for the treatment of crossbites.

The lingual arch is a simple, inexpensive device to stabilize the 6-year molars when there is crowding or a lack of space. It is attached to firmly cemented bands on the lower jaw 6-year molars and is only removed by the dentist for cleaning the teeth or activating the loops