Specialist in orthodontics

since Dec 2022
Orthoboutique Praxis für Kieferorthopädie
Specialist in Orthodontics / Owner
since Oct 2012
Lakeside Orthodontics, Wädenswil (ZH)
Specialist in Orthodontics
May 2018-Oct 2022
Orthodental Practice Nussbaumen, Dr. Spicher, Obersiggenthal AG
Specialist in Orthodontics
May 2012-
Jan 2014
Budgetdent, Zurich
Children and Adults General dentistry
Group practice Roberta Scott, Zurich -Oerlikon
pediatric dentistry
Feb 2010-
Oct 2011
Dental practice Les Moussaillons & La Petite Réserve, Dr. Puymérail Christophe, Echallent (VD)
Dental practice for children and adults
-Comprehensive treatment of children, laser treatments, nitrous oxide (MEOPA)
-Emergency service
Dental practice Rezki-Sehili Meriem, Strasbourg (F)
general dentist
-General dental treatment
- Supervision of a trainee dental assistant
University Hospital Strasbourg Department of Orthodontics, Pr. Bacon William (F)
assistant dentist
-Insight into the work processes in a dental clinic
-Support practicing dentists
-Supporting the students in preparing their thesis (literature research, wire bending technique, cephalographic analysis
Aug 2004
Aug 2005
Center Médico-Dentaire, Dr. Albhorn, Luxembourg (L)
Group practice of freelance dentists from various fields
-Dental assistant
Sep 2020
Specialized in orthodontics, Council of the Order of Surgeons-Dentistes, PARIS (F)
WIN certification
Invisalign certification
Oct 2011-
Oct 2014
Diplôme d'Orthopédie dento-cranio-maxillio-faciale
Advanced training in orthodontics
Dental Service, Hôpital Pitié-Salpétrière, PARIS (F)
Feb 2010
Certificat d'Enseignement Supérieure d'Orthopödie Dento-Facial
Certificate of completion of postgraduate studies in the field of orthodontics
Dental Faculty of Lyon (F)
Oct 2011-
Oct 2014
Certificat d'Enseignement Supérieure de Technologie des Materials Employés en Art Dentaire
Certificate of completion of postgraduate studies in the field of technology of dental technical materials
Dental Faculty of Nancy (F)
July 2008
Introduction to the Edgewise technique
Introduction to the orthodontic wire bending technique and cephalometric recordings
Association Parisienne d'Edgewise, Paris (F)
June 2008
These d'Etat de Doctor en Surgery Dentaire
Thesis and obtaining the title of Doctor, diploma entitling to practice dentistry Dental School Nancy, (F)
Nov 2006-
Oct 2009
Nancy University Hospital, Dr. Archien Claude, Nancy (F)
May 2008-
Oct 2009
Dentistry Department, Dr. Archien Claude
Department of Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Prevost Jacques
Department of Orthodontics Pr. Filleul Marie-Pierryle
-Comprehensive prosthetic rehabilitation
-Treatment of hospital patients, outpatients and disabled patients
- Participation in national clinical studies (genetic caries susceptibility, seals, wisdom teeth
Nov 2007-
Apr 2008
Dental Department of BelAir Hospital, Dr. Anastasio Daniel, Thionville (F)
-Emergency service (nightly on-call duty)
-Treatment of hospital patients and outpatients requiring inpatient observation
-Work in the operating theater (general anesthesia, neuraleptanalgesia, analgosedation)
May 2007
Oct 2007
Dentistry department of the Center Alexis Vautrin, Dr. François Maire, Vandoeuvre (F)
-Treatment of cancer patients, especially patients with oral cavity cancer, fluoridation
-Prosthetic care
- Participation in interdisciplinary meetings
Nov 2006-
April 2007
Dentistry Department of the Hospital of Bonsecours, Dr. Gerard Eric, Metz (F)
Feb 2007
Attestation de formation à la radioprotection des patients exposés aux rayonnements ionisants
Certificate of training in the field of radiation protection for patients exposed to ionizing radiation
Faculty of Dentistry, Nancy (F)
June 2006
Reçue au Concours National de l'Internat en Odontologie
Admission to the national selection procedure for assistant dentists in the field of dentistry
Dental School Nancy, (F)
Sep 2006
Maîtrise des Sciences Biologgiques et Médicales
Masters in Biosciences and Medical Sciences
Faculty of Medicine Nancy (F)
June 2001
Baccalauréat Scientifique S,
High graduation, specialization mathematics
Lycée Alfred Mézières, Longwy (F)